Resizing images also could be done with php.Some programs in php we have to use previously created files for different proposes as libraries.In here too,I have used such previously created files for this program.
I used the same image kid.png and bellow shows you the needed files for this progam.
- kid.png
- resize.php
- resize-class.php
Width | Height |
<table bgcolor=#d38a2a> <tr bgcolor=#ffffff> <form name="f1" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td>Width</td><td>Height</td></tr> <td ><input type="text" name="width"></td> <td><input type="text" name="height"></td></tr> <tr bgcolor=#ffffff> <td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="Resize"></td> </tr></form></table> <?php $width=$_POST['width']; $height=$_POST['height']; include("resize-class.php"); $resizeObj = new resize('kid.png'); $resizeObj -> resizeImage($width, $height, 'crop'); $resizeObj -> saveImage('resized.jpg', 100); echo "<img src='resized.jpg'>"; ?> |
<?php Class resize { private $image; private $width; private $height; private $imageResized; function __construct($fileName) { $this->image = $this->openImage($fileName); $this->width = imagesx($this->image); $this->height = imagesy($this->image); } private function openImage($file) { // *** Get extension $extension = strtolower(strrchr($file, '.')); switch($extension) { case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': $img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case '.gif': $img = @imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case '.png': $img = @imagecreatefrompng($file); break; default: $img = false; break; } return $img; } public function resizeImage($newWidth, $newHeight, $option="auto") { // *** Get optimal width and height - based on $option $optionArray = $this->getDimensions($newWidth, $newHeight, $option); $optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth']; $optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight']; // *** Resample - create image canvas of x, y size $this->imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight); imagecopyresampled($this->imageResized, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $this->width, $this->height); // *** if option is 'crop', then crop too if ($option == 'crop') { $this->crop($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight); } } private function getDimensions($newWidth, $newHeight, $option) { switch ($option) { case 'exact': $optimalWidth = $newWidth; $optimalHeight= $newHeight; break; case 'portrait': $optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight); $optimalHeight= $newHeight; break; case 'landscape': $optimalWidth = $newWidth; $optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth); break; case 'auto': $optionArray = $this->getSizeByAuto($newWidth, $newHeight); $optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth']; $optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight']; break; case 'crop': $optionArray = $this->getOptimalCrop($newWidth, $newHeight); $optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth']; $optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight']; break; } return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight); } private function getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight) { $ratio = $this->width / $this->height; $newWidth = $newHeight * $ratio; return $newWidth; } private function getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth) { $ratio = $this->height / $this->width; $newHeight = $newWidth * $ratio; return $newHeight; } private function getSizeByAuto($newWidth, $newHeight) { if ($this->height < $this->width) // *** Image to be resized is wider (landscape) { $optimalWidth = $newWidth; $optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth); } elseif ($this->height > $this->width) // *** Image to be resized is taller (portrait) { $optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight); $optimalHeight= $newHeight; } else { if ($newHeight < $newWidth) { $optimalWidth = $newWidth; $optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth); } else if ($newHeight > $newWidth) { $optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight); $optimalHeight= $newHeight; } else { // *** Sqaure being resized to a square $optimalWidth = $newWidth; $optimalHeight= $newHeight; } } return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight); } private function getOptimalCrop($newWidth, $newHeight) { $heightRatio = $this->height / $newHeight; $widthRatio = $this->width / $newWidth; if ($heightRatio < $widthRatio) { $optimalRatio = $heightRatio; } else { $optimalRatio = $widthRatio; } $optimalHeight = $this->height / $optimalRatio; $optimalWidth = $this->width / $optimalRatio; return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight); } private function crop($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight) { $cropStartX = ( $optimalWidth / 2) - ( $newWidth /2 ); $cropStartY = ( $optimalHeight/ 2) - ( $newHeight/2 ); $crop = $this->imageResized; //imagedestroy($this->imageResized); // *** Now crop from center to exact requested size $this->imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth , $newHeight); imagecopyresampled($this->imageResized, $crop , 0, 0, $cropStartX, $cropStartY, $newWidth, $newHeight , $newWidth, $newHeight); } public function saveImage($savePath, $imageQuality="100") { // *** Get extension $extension = strrchr($savePath, '.'); $extension = strtolower($extension); switch($extension) { case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { imagejpeg($this->imageResized, $savePath, $imageQuality); } break; case '.gif': if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { imagegif($this->imageResized, $savePath); } break; case '.png': // *** Scale quality from 0-100 to 0-9 $scaleQuality = round(($imageQuality/100) * 9); // *** Invert quality setting as 0 is best, not 9 $invertScaleQuality = 9 - $scaleQuality; if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { imagepng($this->imageResized, $savePath, $invertScaleQuality); } break; // ... etc default: break; } imagedestroy($this->imageResized); } } ?> |
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