Q:-How do I get the remote user IP address by php ?
Codes <?php $ip= $REMOTE_ADDR; echo "<br> Your IP Address : " . GetHostByName($ip); ?> | Result
Your IP Address : |
Q:-What is the difference between require and include in php ?
require() statement includes and evaluates a specific file. The require() and
include() statements are similar in every way except how they handle errors.
When there is an error the include() statement produces a warning but the
require() statement results in a fatal error. The require statement is used
when you want a missing file to halt the processing of the page. In this case,
if include() is used even then the script will keep on running regardless of
the missing file.
Q:-How do I delete an array element?
This could be done with unset()Example of an array.
<?php $ar=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); echo $ar[0]."</br>"; echo $ar[1]."</br>"; echo $ar[2]."</br>"; echo $ar[3]."</br>"; echo $ar[4]."</br>"; echo $ar[5]."</br>"; echo $ar[6]."</br>"; echo $ar[7]."</br>"; echo $ar[8]."</br>"; echo $ar[9]; ?> | Out put 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
<?php $ar=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); unset($ar[5]); echo $ar[0]."</br>"; echo $ar[1]."</br>"; echo $ar[2]."</br>"; echo $ar[3]."</br>"; echo $ar[4]."</br>"; echo $ar[5]."</br>"; echo $ar[6]."</br>"; echo $ar[7]."</br>"; echo $ar[8]."</br>"; echo $ar[9]; ?> | Out put 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 |
Q:-How do I write an array to a text file?
Answer:-this would be displayed in the following example.
<?php $data=array( "First name"=>"Angelina", "Last name"=>"Jolie", ); $filename = 'data.txt'; $string = ''; foreach($data as $key => $val) { $string .= "$key = $val\n"; } file_put_contents($filename, $string); ?> | First name = Angelina Last name = Jolie |
Q:-How do I redirect to a different pages?
Answer:-this would be displayed in the following example.<?php header( 'Location: http://wintekweb.blogspot.com/2012/05/php-scripts-home.html' ) ; ?> |
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